Anaheim Banquet

Some last photos for you. Details: the banquet was sold out. Chapters decorated the tables but did not sit where they decorated. You'll see the photos of some of the winners when you look at the photos (see Links at left) go to the banquet page.
The first prize winner I did not get a photo of but was one by Nation's Capital Tolers.

More details: the Hilton room block was sold out, thanks to the generosity of JoSonja for doing the free audit of the quilt with some of the patterns and instructions. Next year Trudy Beard and Bobbie Takashima will do this for block residents.,

We will begin a program called Paint for Peace, Pass It On which are wooden painted cards that are passed from one ill or wounded veteran to another for inspiration in their healing. Well known artists will provide patterns for these on the SDP site.

The lucy winner of the JoSonja's quilt was Pat Burkhart, Burkhead, or Burkout (we weren't sure) of Illionois. Sure hope she appreciates it as much as I would have... :-)

We are on our way home tomorrow with a slight diversion to Monterey for a couple of days before returning to hot country.
