Art Abandonment~Give it Away!

Secreting your artwork and giving it away?  You already know that artists practically "give away" their work.  Would you like to have some fun doing it?  There's a movement afoot, and it's called "Art Abandonment."

An artist friend told me about this.  It appeals to our whimsical side and if you read the previous post about getting in touch with your inner child, you will like it.  

It's this simple.

  • Prepare a piece of artwork of any kind, shape, size with a nice subject.  
  • Hide it somewhere where it will be found. 
  • You have abandoned your art and given it as a gift to the finder.
This has taken on a movement all on its own.  You can add a way for the finder to thank you anonymously.  You may even hide and watch!

My friend created a fairy themed piece of art and placed it in a park.  She found a bench with a good vantage point and was delighted when a little girl and her mother found it.  They seemed very pleased!  

The purpose is also educational.  It raises ones appreciation for art and the collecting of art.

Take a look at this website and Facebook page, you may be inspired to share and abandon your work as well, and the blessing will be in the giving.  Click here:
          Art Abandonment  
