Get In the Habit

How many times has JoSonja Jansen told us, "make yourself a comfortable place to paint, make it beautiful as possible, then paint at least 15 minutes a day...."?

This article about How to Develop Good Creative Habits in Just 21 Days echos the same message, and even goes a step further in giving you goals for the 21 days.  I think you will gain from reading it.  I'm already up to step six, just have to work on the 7 to 21 part.

The previous blog entry about forgiving yourself for procrastinating fits very nicely with this article.
I have found that if my work area, or even house is messy, I just don't feel like painting.  However, get it all spruced up, and everything in it's place and all of a sudden the creative juices just start flowing.

So, let's get going, shall we?
